Oriental Merchant 30th Anniversary eCookbook

As many of you may know, this year marks the 30th anniversary of Oriental Merchant Pty Ltd. From a humble family grocer on the street of Melbourne to a company with businesses in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Europe, Canada and Japan, Oriental Merchant has come a long way and none of these will happen without the trust and support from our partners.
To commemorate our 30th anniversary and express our deep gratitude to our partners’ support, it is our pleasure to introduce the OM 30 th Anniversary Edition – Showcasing 30 Recipes eCookbook. This eCookbook has gathered a collection of recipes created by some of the most talented and passionate people that we have come across. We hope that by sharing this collection of recipes, you will be inspired to create your own culinary journey.
Click the below link to view or download eCookbook in high resolution: